Organize your course maps so they are easy to find.
Build any course in your space with just your phone or tablet!
Works using course map images and even photos!
Please, please, please watch the Video to see how to use it!
Apple & Android Phones/Tablets
InstallDesktops & Laptops
Sign Up/LoginFacility, ring, or course map dimensions different than expected?
Need to rotate or "tweak" a course up/down or left/right? Avoid a post?
Origin in the wrong place?
With AC Master:
AC Master automatically scales metric Maps to Places in feet and vice versa.
Drag and rotate Maps to fit in your selected Place.
Buttons to fine tune your Map's location and rotation.
Fit parts of large courses into your small space.
Tap to get X and Y positions in your Place's coordinate system.
Tap on each end of obstacles to get their locations.
Easily see obstacles/locations even on small phone displays.
Toggle grid/numbers on/off and lock device rotation.
AC Master requires a modern browser
Follow the install directions when the app is launched.
InstallSign up for your account when AC Master is launched and bookmark the page:
Sign Up/Login